Equestrian Statue of Charles II
at Newby Hall.
Anonymous Italian Sculptor
The Head of Charles II by Jaspar Latham

The statue was made in Italy and originally represented John Sobieski, King of Poland, trampling a Turk.
commemorated his victory in Vienna. The statue was bought in 1672 by Sir
Robert Vyner (the goldsmith responsible for Charles II's Coronation regalia) who
brought it to the Stocks Market, London at the Restoration. Sir Robert
had the head refashioned by Jaspar Latham - (see below) to represent Charles II and the lower figure
represented Oliver Cromwell.
In 1739 the site was taken for the
construction of the Mansion House and the statue was removed to an inn yard,
then to the Vyner estate in Lincolnshire. Lady Mary Robinson of Newby
married Henry Vyner and inherited Newby Hall in 1859. The statue was
brought to Newby Park in 1883.
- the text below from A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851
Jaspar Latham 1636 - 1693).
- the text below from A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851
Latham was one of the City of London’s leading mason
contractors in the years after the Great Fire. As a sculptor he is remembered
principally for his monument to Archbishop Sheldon at Croydon.
His work as a sculptor first came to public attention in 1672, when he was living near Fleet Street on the fringe of the City of London. On 29 May 1672 the most conspicuous outdoor statue of the time was unveiled by the new water conduit at the Stocks Market near Lombard Street. It was an equestrian figure of Charles II on a lofty pedestal with a prostrate figure beneath the horse’s hooves (5). It was described on the following day in the London Gazette as ‘an Excellent Figure of His present Majesty on Horseback having a Turk or Enemy underfoot…of White Genova Marble, and bigger than the Life’. The statue appears to have started life as a representation of the Polish King, Jan Sobieski, carved in Italy by an unidentified sculptor. It was shipped to England and acquired by a London merchant, Sir Thomas Vyner, whose nephew, Robert, probably conceived the idea of transforming it into a statue of Charles II trampling on Oliver Cromwell. Latham carved the new head. According to George Vertue, ‘the head of the King was not done. Only a block fitt to carve. & was cutt by ... Latham a sculptor near fleet ditch’ (Vertue I, 129). The statue was first offered to the Joint Gresham Committee to stand in the centre of the Royal Exchange, but was declined because of its size, after which an alternative site was found in the Stocks Market. It was lampooned in a number of poems including A Dialogue between two Horses imagining the Royal horses in Charing Cross and the Stocks market in conversation. A later critic, James Ralph, condemned it as ‘a thing in itself so exceedingly ridiculous and absurd, that ’tis not in one’s power to look upon it without reflecting on the taste of those who set it up’ (Ralph 1734, 12). It was removed to make way for the Mansion House in 1737 and lay neglected for 40 years in a yard before eventually finding its way to Newby Hall in Yorkshire.
Portraits of the sculptor: ‘Latham (statuary). His head painted by Fuller leaning his hand on a bust’ (Vertue II, 59); untraced
see - http://liberty.henry-moore.org/henrymoore/sculptor/browserecord.php?-action=browse&-recid=1608&from_list=true&x=6

He was probably the son of another Jasper Latham,
who was apprenticed to a mason, James Gilder, in 1621. He was married at St
Giles-in-the-Fields by special licence on 21 December 1661, at which time he
was described as a bachelor of about 25, and a mason and freeman of London. His
wife was Elizabeth Sweete of St Giles Cripplegate (conceivably the daughter of
W Sweet), ‘aged about nineteen’ (Armytage ed, 1890-92, 18). A son, Robert,
joined the family business. In 1663 Latham's name was added to the yeomanry
list of the Masons’ Company, but it was not until October 1678 that, at his own
request, he came on to the livery and court of assistants. He became a renter
warden of the company in 1689 but was never master.
Latham worked under Sir Christopher Wren as mason
contractor for the rebuilding of St Mildred, Poultry in 1670-79, receiving
Portland stone to the value of £324 5s 3d in part payment, besides £2909 11s 6d
for masonry work and carved ornaments (8). Wren employed him again as one of
his master masons at St Paul’s Cathedral, where he worked with Joshua Marshall,
Thomas Wise I, Edward Pearce and Edward Strong I (10).
Between 1679 and 1690, Latham received over £10,000 in regular payments for masonry and carved ornaments, largely on the south side of the choir and on the north side of the nave. He was also one of the masons under Wren as surveyor-general at Hampton Court when, in December 1689, part of the new buildings collapsed, killing two workmen and injuring 11 more. William Talman, the comptroller of works, sought to blame his superior and Latham, who appears to been the mason responsible, weighed in with Talman to blame Wren for the tragedy. In 1690, when Wren dispensed with Latham’s services both at St Paul’s and at Hampton Court, Wren objected ‘against Mr Latham for a madman’ in the matter of a certificate relating to new building at Hampton Court (Cal. Treasury Books, 1689-92, 355, quoted by Knoop and Jones, 20).
Between 1679 and 1690, Latham received over £10,000 in regular payments for masonry and carved ornaments, largely on the south side of the choir and on the north side of the nave. He was also one of the masons under Wren as surveyor-general at Hampton Court when, in December 1689, part of the new buildings collapsed, killing two workmen and injuring 11 more. William Talman, the comptroller of works, sought to blame his superior and Latham, who appears to been the mason responsible, weighed in with Talman to blame Wren for the tragedy. In 1690, when Wren dispensed with Latham’s services both at St Paul’s and at Hampton Court, Wren objected ‘against Mr Latham for a madman’ in the matter of a certificate relating to new building at Hampton Court (Cal. Treasury Books, 1689-92, 355, quoted by Knoop and Jones, 20).
His work as a sculptor first came to public attention in 1672, when he was living near Fleet Street on the fringe of the City of London. On 29 May 1672 the most conspicuous outdoor statue of the time was unveiled by the new water conduit at the Stocks Market near Lombard Street. It was an equestrian figure of Charles II on a lofty pedestal with a prostrate figure beneath the horse’s hooves (5). It was described on the following day in the London Gazette as ‘an Excellent Figure of His present Majesty on Horseback having a Turk or Enemy underfoot…of White Genova Marble, and bigger than the Life’. The statue appears to have started life as a representation of the Polish King, Jan Sobieski, carved in Italy by an unidentified sculptor. It was shipped to England and acquired by a London merchant, Sir Thomas Vyner, whose nephew, Robert, probably conceived the idea of transforming it into a statue of Charles II trampling on Oliver Cromwell. Latham carved the new head. According to George Vertue, ‘the head of the King was not done. Only a block fitt to carve. & was cutt by ... Latham a sculptor near fleet ditch’ (Vertue I, 129). The statue was first offered to the Joint Gresham Committee to stand in the centre of the Royal Exchange, but was declined because of its size, after which an alternative site was found in the Stocks Market. It was lampooned in a number of poems including A Dialogue between two Horses imagining the Royal horses in Charing Cross and the Stocks market in conversation. A later critic, James Ralph, condemned it as ‘a thing in itself so exceedingly ridiculous and absurd, that ’tis not in one’s power to look upon it without reflecting on the taste of those who set it up’ (Ralph 1734, 12). It was removed to make way for the Mansion House in 1737 and lay neglected for 40 years in a yard before eventually finding its way to Newby Hall in Yorkshire.
Only four funerary monuments by Latham are known, three
of them without figures. The Grandison has an urn flanked by trophies above a
pedestal, the Brome is a simple architectural tablet and the Chare is a
graceful cartouche with a backing of feigned drapery, knotted at the upper
corners (1-3). The monument to Gilbert Sheldon, Archbishop of Canterbury at
Croydon, 1683, is of another order (4). The reclining effigy in mitre and
clerical robes was originally set against a lofty architectural backdrop,
decorated with putti and garlands. The frame was badly damaged when the church
was destroyed by fire in 1867, but the effigy survives, together with the tomb
chest which incorporates an intricate relief panel of skulls and bones. In the
1730s Vertue noted ‘Sheldons Monument his statue in Marble. A noble Mont…’ (Vertue
IV, 49). It was admired by a 19th-century antiquarian visitor to the church:
‘There is a great individuality in the physiognomy of the prelate, which,
together with the mitre, is very nicely sculptured ... the skulls in the
central compartment … for manipulation, would successfully vie with the most
renowned sculpture ...’ (Anderson 1855, 16-18). Sheldon’s niece married John
Dolben, Archbishop of York, whose monument by Grinling Gibbons in York Minster,
1687-88, has close debts to Latham’s memorial.
In 1681 Latham completed a statue in lead of Captain
Richard Maples, a benefactor of Trinity House, for which he was paid £45 (6).
This was originally placed in the Trinity Almshouses at Deptford, but was moved
in 1873 to the corporation’s almshouses in the Mile End Road and then to
Trinity House itself during World War II. The imposing figure, originally posed
on an inscribed pedestal, is presented in uniform with naval instruments at his
feet. It was one of the first lead portrait statues in London and was painted
to simulate stone.
Several of the City companies vied for the privilege
of sponsoring a statue of Charles II for the line of kings in the quadrangle of
the Royal Exchange. In 1684 the Grocers’ Company claimed the privilege since
they had elected the King a freeman at the Restoration, but this did not
prevent the Founders from commissioning the royal statue and Latham was their
choice of artist. He had already begun work when the Grocers appealed that this
was ‘an affront and wrong’ to their Company and he was forced to abandon his
efforts (Grocers’ Co Minutes, Guildhall MS 11588, f.673, 6 June 1684, quoted by
Gibson 1997 (2), 160).
The King’s statue was eventually provided by Arnold Quellin in 1686.
The King’s statue was eventually provided by Arnold Quellin in 1686.
Latham was employed on building schemes in the City
until shortly before his death. Between June 1670 and December 1671 he received
regular payments totalling over £850 from the bankers Clayton and Morris for
stonework at their offices in Cornhill and Old Jewry and in 1672 he carried out
masonry work at their banking house in Hand Alley (Clayton & Morris fols
136v, 137v, 241v). He received small payments for stone-cutting from the
Joiners’ Company, 1679-82. He became mason to the Mercers’ Company in 1682 and
was City mason from 1687 until his death. He worked at the Royal Exchange
between 1691 and 1693, assisted by his son, Robert, who continued at the
Exchange after his father’s death and prepared the double niche for statues of
William III and Mary II in 1695 by John Nost I, for which he was paid £40. Robert
succeeded his father as City Mason and held the post until 1696. His
appointments of a clerk, Edmund Poynter, and a mason, John Newton, in 1694 and
1695 respectively, are recorded in the Masons’ Company apprenticeship lists.
Robert left England and was living in Port Mahon, Minorca, in 1713. Elizabeth
Latham continued her husband’s business, executing masonry work for Newgate and
the Council Chamber at Moorfields, for which she was paid £26 18s in 1696, and
receiving payments from the Mercers’ Company until 1697.
Several of Latham’s apprentices, none of whom
appears to have had a successful career as a sculptor, are listed in the
records of the Masons’ Company. They include Richard Mapletoft, who was bound
in 1664, James Burne, who may have been the ‘Bonne’ working on the Sheldon
monument, bound in 1668, John Brookes (1689), William Heckford (1670) and James
Broomhall (1679). The 1678 general search conducted by the Masons’ Company
lists Latham as a ‘shopkeeper’ employing three men, one of whom was James
In his will Latham left his widow Elizabeth ‘all my
houses tenements Rents goods and Chattels’ which suggests that he died
reasonably affluent. Abraham Storey was one of his executors. The quantity of
memorials authenticated as Latham’s work is small. However, a considerable
number of such works have been attributed to him, most of them swagged tablets,
cartouche memorials and standing monuments surmounted by urns or portrait
busts, but also several with crudely cut reclining, seated or standing effigies
(C Lib repr). It seems likely that orders for sculpture formed an important
part of a successful building practice.
Literary References: Vertue IV, 49; Weaver 1915, 18;
Wren Soc X, 1933, passim; Knoop and Jones 1935, 20; Wren Soc XIII, XIV, XV,
passim; Gunnis 1968, 187, 234; Whinney 1988, 138, 446 n 6; Colvin V, 1973-76,
34; Grove 18, 829 (Friedman); Gibson 1997 (2), 158; Roscoe 1997, 175; Gibson
1998, 174-5; Webb 1999, 5, 6, 16, 21, 25; Ward-Jackson 2002, xv-xvi, xix
Archival References: Clayton & Morris, 1
(1669-1672); Joiners’ Co, Master and Wardens, 1679-82; Masons’ Co, Masters and
Wardens, 1689; GPC; City Cash Accts 01/22 fol 51v (Royal Exchange niches),
01/22 fol 51r (Elizabeth Latham, work at Newgate and Moorfields)
Will: Commissary Court of London, register of wills,
1693, April : MS 9171, register 45, fol 107 v
Miscellaneous Drawings (all attrib): Burton
Constable LDS 5275, 5278, 5280, 5281, 5282, 5284; Bodleian MS Tanner 89*, fol
271 (C Lib repr)
Portraits of the sculptor: ‘Latham (statuary). His head painted by Fuller leaning his hand on a bust’ (Vertue II, 59); untraced
see - http://liberty.henry-moore.org/henrymoore/sculptor/browserecord.php?-action=browse&-recid=1608&from_list=true&x=6
Isaac Fuller

Isaac Fuller
Self portrait 120 x 104 cms
Gift from Dr George Clarke 1735
Gift from Dr George Clarke 1735
Queens College
Oxford University.

Isaac Fuller
Self Portrait
125 x 100 cms
Version 2
National Portrait Gallery

Isaac Fuller
Self Portrait
125 x 100 cms
Version 2
National Portrait Gallery

Possibly Edward Pierce
Isaac Fuller
c. 1670
This attribution needs to be confirmed.
Is it perhaps the portrait of Latham mentioned by Vertue and untraced?
Family Portrait
attributed to Isaac Fuller.

Anonymous engraving/
1680 -1714
234 x 259 cms
This is
the bottom half of a plate, originally with representation of the statue of
Charles I at Charing Cross above. The complete plate can be found in the fourth
volume of the BM's 1724 edition of 'Britannia Illustrata', published by Joseph
British Museum

below image with title in English and in French, and with production details:
"Jos Nichols Delin / H. Fletcher Sculp / Publish'd according to Act of
Parliament 1753, & Sold by J. Boydell at the Unicorn the Corner of Queen
Street Cheapside London".
Let's go atrampling...
ReplyDeleteFrom the following link you can read about two contemporary iron firebacks that portray the Stocks Market statue: https://hodgers.com/firebacks/notes/the-stocks-market-statue