William III.
Probably John van Nost the elder.
Yale Centre for British Art.
William III
Here attrib. to John van Nost the Elder.
Nost Sale 1712 lot 50.
(info Biog Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain .... pub Yale 2009).
From Hoghton Tower, Lancashire
177.8 x 83.8 x 73.7 cms.
Yale Centre for British Art 1977.
Inscribed on rear of statue, in relief: "R G | W | E[?] D | T P[?]"
see -
Taste & beauty in three dimensions : Paul Mellon and British sculpture, , Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Conn., 2002, p. [3], no. 3, V 1426 (YCBA)
Ellis Waterhouse, Sculpture from the Paul Mellon Collection at the British Art Center at Yale, Burlington Magazine, v. 119, no.890, May 1977, p. 351, N1 B87 119:2 OVERSIZE (YCBA)
Lawrence Weaver, Some English Leadwork, Article VI - Portrait Statues, Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, v. 9, no. 38, May 1906, pp. 97, 105, pl. I, no. 2, N1 B87+ (YCBA)
William III, Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT, 2011, front cover, p. 22, V2340
Lead Statue of William III
John van Nost the Elder d.1729.
Portsmouth Dockyard.

Gilded statue
of King William III.
Base Inscribed
Optimo Regi
Ricardus Norton Humillime D.D.
Optimo Regi
Ricardus Norton Humillime D.D.
Richard Norton, who was the grandson and heir of Colonel Richard Norton (he was
a supporter and friend of Oliver Cromwell), presented the Commissioner of the
Dockyard (Sir William Townsend).
(William of Orange)
sculptured in a classical style. It was cast in lead to the design of John Van
Nost the Elder of London and finished with a covering of double gold leaf;
mounted on a polished white marble plinth The Commissioner set up the statue in
front of the new terrace Long Rowin the middle of the Offal
Ground now the site of Victory Building and surrounded it with
an ornamental wrought-iron railing with Royal Crowns on the corners.

William III
Wrest Park.
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