The Denny Monument, Waltham Abbey Church, Essex.
by Isaac James and Bartholomew Atye
contracted and completed between 1600 - 1.
Sir Edward Denny (1547 - 1601).
For biographies of James and Atye see - Dictionary of London Tomb Makers .....
Adam White. Walpole Soc Journal, 1999.
see also Transactions of the Essex Arcgheological Society XVI - 1923 p. 57 9 which includes a transcription of the contract document.
see also Transactions of the Essex Arcgheological Society XVI - 1923 p. 57 9 which includes a transcription of the contract document.
Old photograph of the Denny monument before its refreshing- sourse unknown.
For a short biography of Sir Edward Denny see -

Waltham Abbey Church, Essex.
Were the kneeling figures below Denny and his wife in the first photograph their children?