Some random notes on the Royal Collection bust and portrait sculpture of black people.
Where have the images gone???
"Bust of a Moor"
Polychrome Marble
in the Royal Collection
attrib. John van Nost I.
Height 98.5 cms.
It seems that this bust has been in the Royal Collection since about 1700.
This sculpture has been traditionally described as a favourite personal servant of William III.
There appears to have so far been little information available on this incredible bust.
I will remain sceptical for the time being. It is of exceptional quality.
It is my current thinking that it is Venetian.
It is my current thinking that it is Venetian.
Excellent Hi Res images from the Royal Collection Website

18th Century Polychrome Marble Venetian Bust.
Unknown location.
18th Century Polychrome Marble Bust of a Youth.
65.4 cms
Victoria and Albert Museum.
Pair of Polychrome Marble Busts in the style of Melchior Barthel (1625 - 72) of Dresden.
Sold Gallerie Koller Zurich Switzerland - 2 Dec 2010.
Barthel seems to have made something of a specialty of depicting black people in his sculptures.
Currently unidentified location.



Polychrome Marble bust of a Young Man
Melchior Barthel
c. 1650
Height 24.5 inches

Polychrome Marble bust of a Young Man
Melchior Barthel
c. 1650
Height 24.5 inches
Saint Louis Art Museum.

Funeral Monument of the Doge, Giovanni Pesaro
designed by Baldassari Longhena
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice
![Anonymous Sculptor (Venice) Portrait Bust of a Man Italy (early 16th Century) Polychromed Bronze, 27.9 cm. (H) [Bust of a black man wearing a doublet, a soft cap with a tassle, and earrings.] Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Department of Western Art.:](
Ashmolean Museum

Just for good measure I am adding the bust by Francis Harwood (1727 - 83).
Created in Florence 1758.

Jean Baptiste Pigalle.
Musee d'Orleans, France.

Bust of a young woman
Anonymous Italian?
16th Century?
Victoria and Albert Museum.

Bust of a Man.
Height 22 cms.
National Museum of Warsaw.
see -
On my blog I have written extensively about Bust of a Man. Nobody agrees with me...but that does not make me wrong. Perhaps you will see the light.