Saturday 15 December 2018

Marble Bust of Elisabeth Borret - 1739, Shoreham Stolen and recovered

Marble Bust of Elisabeth Borrett - 

Shoreham, Kent.

Henry Cheere. 

Stolen and recovered.

Images taken from - 

VIEWPOINT: Problems affecting church monuments: a personal perspective by Sally Badham.

Sally Badham was President of the Church Monuments Society 2008–13 and is the author of many publications on medieval church monuments.

For the Borretts and Shoreham see

The church of Shoreham is situated on the east side of the village, on a rising ground. It is a neat building, the steeple is of brick, and has been lately erected, as well as the chancel at the cast end. It is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul. (fn. 14)

Among other monuments and inscriptions in this church, at the west end are memorials for Rutter, Cowell, Wells, Everest, and Perry; a mural monument for Anne, second daughter of John Borrett, esq. of the Inner Temple, obt. 1735. 

In the north isle, memorials for Everests and Watts; a grave-stone, with a brass plate and inscription, for William Wall, S.T.P. obt. Jan. 13, 1727, æ 82, vicar here for fifty-three years, and rector of Milton near twenty; he married Catherine, daughter of Edward Davenant, gent. and his sons Thomas and William, citizens of London, the former died 1709, æ 25; the latter in 1725, æ 40. 

A grave-stone at the entrance of the great chancel. with an inscription in brass, for Mr. Thomas Polhill, obt. 1588, and Anne his wife, daughter of William Plumly, of Otford, by whom he had one son and three daughters; a mural monument, with the bust of a lady and inscription, that in a vault adjacent is deposited Susannah, wife of Edward Borrett, esq. obt. 1751.

 In the north chancel, at the east end, a grave-stone for Paul Daranda, esq. of Shoreham, obt. 1712, æt. 60; another for Paul Daranda, esq. of Putney, son of the above, obt. 1732, æt. 46; arms, a castle within a bordure, charged with crosses; at the west end a mural marble for John Polhill, esq. late of Preston, in this parish, descended from the elder house of the Polhills, of that place, obt. 1651,æt. 39; he left John, Edward, and Elizabeth, by his wife Anne, one of the daughters of Sir Edward Gilbourne, of Shoreham; arms, Polhill with quarterings. 

A beautiful monument, executed by Sir H. Cheere, on which are the busts of a man and woman, for John Borrett, esq. master of the Inner Temple, and prothonotary, obt. 1739, æt. 82; arms, Borrett, with a crescent for difference, with impalements. In the great chancel, are many memorials for the family of Polley, of this parish. On the south side of the altar a large elegant monument, with the busts of a gentleman and lady, and inscription that in the north chancel lies buried Sir Abraham Shard, eldest son of Sir Isaac, of Lambeth, whose second wife was Ruth, daughter of John Borrett, esq. of this parish, by whom he left no surviving issue; he died in 1746, arms, argent a bend sable in chief, a bugle horn sable stringed gules, garnished, or, in base a buck's head couped, attired or impaling Borrett.


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