Stanislaw Malachowski (1736 - 1809).
by John Deare (1759 - 98).
Marble Bust.
Made in Rome.
66 x 40 x 34 cms.
Located in The Royal Castle
in Warsaw.
Including some notes on John Deare.
For John Deare see - Notes - P. Fogelman, P. Fusco and S. Stock, 'John Deare:
British sculptor in Rome', Sculpture Journal IV, 2000, pp. 85-126
for a useful biog of Malachowski see -

Deare’s bust of Stanisław Małachowski differs from other, in
particular the painted, likenesses of the Marshal due to the rendering of the
model. While Johann Baptist von Lampi (portrait of 1791), Antoine-Jean Gros
(1793), François-Xavier Fabre (1794), Josef Grassi (1795) and Marcello
Bacciarelli (several portraits) depicted Małachowski in contemporary attire
with distinctions and wearing a fashionable wig, Deare showed him bareheaded,
with a naked torso. This type of likeness, a reference to ancient depictions of
outstanding personages, was intended to idealize and glorify the model. Made
during Małachowski’s lifetime, while he was in exile in Italy, the bust, may
have been the model for the sculptor Massimiliano Laboureur, who was
commissioned by Małachowski’s family to make a statue for St. John’s Cathedral
in Warsaw (unveiled in 1830), in which he is depicted in the attire of a Roman
senator, and with features similar to those in the bust.
Signed J. DEARE / Faciebat / Romae / 1793 on back under left
The bust may later have belonged to Michał Ludwik Pac, who
married Małachowski’s niece, Maria Karolina, and subsequently Konstanty
Radziwiłł in Towiany (Lith. Taujenai). From 1926 it was on loan to the Royal
Castle in Warsaw, in the Canaletto Room. In 1939 it was removed by the Germans
and in 1947 returned to the National Museum in Warsaw; since 1984 again part of
the Royal Castle’s collections.
John Deare (Liverpool 1759–1798 Rome).
English sculptor. Pupil of the Royal Academy, winner of the
gold medal in 1780.
From 1785 he lived and worked in Rome. He collaborated with
Antonio Canova. He was also the author of portraits, copies of ancient works of
art and reliefs depicting biblical and mythological scenes in the neoclassical
Stanisław Małachowski of the Nałęcz coat of arms
(1736–1809). Marshal of the Four Year Sejm, co-author of the Constitution of 3
May. In the period 1792–5, he lived in exile in Vienna and Florence. In the
years 1807–9 he was President of the Governing Commission and later of the
Senate of the Duchy of Warsaw.
A list of works by John Deare culled from the Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors...
1. Lady Charlotte Burgoyne - Funerary Monument. 1778. Untraced.
2. William Wilson. Funerary Monument †1792 - Ganton, E R Yorks.
3. Human skeleton, statuette Statue. c1770. untraced.
4. Bellerophon, model. Statue. 1784. Untraced.
5. Adam and Eve, group Statue 1792.untraced.
6. Apollo Belvedere Statue 1792-1795. Untraced.
7. Venus de’ Medici Statue 1792-1795. Untraced.
8. Faun with a kid (Faunus), small statue Statue nd.
Coll. Cloncurry family.
9. The devil. Bust. 1781. Untraced.
10. A criminal. Bust. c1783. Untraced.
11. Ariadne, after an antique bust in the Capitoline Museum.
Bust. 1789-1790. Untraced.
12. Madame Martinville. Bust. 1789-1790. Untraced.
13. John Penn of Stoke Poges. Bust. 1791-1793. Eton College, Windsor, Berks, library.
14. Marshal Stanislaus Malachowski. Bust. 1793. National
Museum, Warsaw, Poland.
15. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. Bust. c1795. Untraced.
16. Lady Elizabeth Webster. Bust. c1795. Untraced.
17. Description unavailable. Chimneypiece. 1783. Untraced.
18. The seasons, four reliefs for chimneypieces. c1783. Untraced.
19. Chimneypiece with frieze of the nine muses. 1792. private
20. Chimneypiece. Caesar invading Britain, overmantle relief.
1791-1794 VAM.
21. Description unavailable. Chimneypiece. c1795. Untraced.
22. Two, one with frieze depicting a racehorse, the other
‘mosaic’. Chimneypiece. c1795. untraced.
23. Chimneypiece with festoons and masks. c1795. Royal Coll
(Frogmore, Berks).
24. War of Jupiter and the Titans. 1784. Destroyed.
25. Adam and Eve (The Angels surprising Satan at the ear of
Eve). Relief. c1780. Untraced.
26. The soldiers going to kill Marius in prison, probably a
clay sketch. Relief. c1780. Untraced.
27. The good Samaritan Relief.
post-1782. Untraced.
28. Cupid and Psyche. Relief. c1783. Untraced.
29. Venus reclining on a sea monster with Cupid and a putto
(Marine Venus). Relief. 1787. Parham.Park, Pulborough, Sussex.
30. Edward and Eleanor Relief.
1790. private coll.
31. The judgement of Jupiter. Relief. 1788-1790 - Los
Angeles County Museum of Art, Cal M.79.37
32. Cupid and Psyche. Relief. c1791. Lyons Demesne, Co
33. Liberality, supported by justice and fortitude. Relief. 1791. Untraced.
34. Bacchus feeding a panther. Relief. 1790-1792. Art
Institute of Chicago.
35. Hebe feeding the bird of Jupiter. Relief. 1790-1792. Untraced.
36. Apollo with the muse Euterpe (?). Relief. 1790-1795. Untraced.
37. A seated figure; portrait of the Pope; Time ravishing
Youth. Relief. Nd. Untraced.
38. Boys - Relief, nd. Untraced.
39. Spanish coat of arms, design only (?) Miscellaneous. 1783.
40. Crucifix. Miscellaneous. 1784. Untraced.
41. Figures for clocks by Benjamin Vulliamy, models. Miscellaneous.
c1784. Untraced.
42. Virginius and his daughter, cast. 1784. untraced.
43. Venus and Cupid. 1790-1791. untraced.
44. The three graces with the thread of life. c1793. Untraced.
45. Centaur. 1794. Untraced.
46. Antinous? Nd. Untraced.